A Friendly Family Serving You In Your Time Of Need
9 Cockburn Rd, Albany WA
9841 3090 (ALL HOURS) 0428 665 123 (24HRS)
Always Open
Geoffrey Arthur George Voss
Date of Service: 22/06/2018
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Amity Rose Funerals
Em Taylor
June 22, 2018 7:16 pm
Sorry I couldn't be there today to say goodbye to Arthur. Have many fond memories from childhood and beyond, from discovering treasures in the shed to the ubiquitous comment when visiting in the rain of Albany, "It was beauuutiful yesterday"
Kate Thomas
June 22, 2018 10:00 am
Sincere sympathy Bev and Famiky .
Only met Arthur very recently and can’t imagine the pain and loss you are all feeling.
Blessings Kate Thomas
Daniel Bianchini
June 21, 2018 10:58 am
Arthur will always be remembered and admired by me as a warm, gentle but strong man with smiling eyes and an infectious chuckle who was extremely capable and gifted in so many ways. His ingenuity and craftsmanship were evident wherever he turned his hands. He and Bev created a special family that were always fun and exciting to be around (especially for us city slickers). May he rest in peace.
Clare Cox (Bianchini)
June 21, 2018 10:11 am
A warm and kind man who along with Bev welcomed our city family into their home. We loved our time with “the Vosses” so many wonderful memories and experiences with Arthur in the middle of it all. We are thinking of you as you say farewell to him, our love and prayers will be with you.
June 19, 2018 3:53 pm
Memories of many happy hours spent with Arthur and Bev in the sheep yards and lambing paddocks at Eulanda. Arthur was a good sheep man and he enjoyed driving his horse Joe in the Spring cart he rebuilt. He was always smiling, ready with a story or a joke.