A Friendly Family Serving You In Your Time Of Need
9 Cockburn Rd, Albany WA
9841 3090 (ALL HOURS) 0428 665 123 (24HRS)
Always Open
John William Parker
Date of Service: 13/10/2020
Time: 12:30 pm
Location: Amity Rose Funerals
You are invited to leave a short message for the family in the tribute section below.
To view a recording of the funeral service please contact a member of the family.
Breanda Nesbitt
October 13, 2020 10:32 pm
Today we farewelled My Dear Uncle John as you went on your final journey.
I will never forget the chats we had for hours on end last year and the time we spent together talking about how Proud you were to walk your Beautiful Sister down the Aisle on her wedding day, how much trouble the two of you would get up to when you were younger and how much Love you both had for eachother and the Special Bond you shared.
You are both now reunited to share those stories and laugh together again.
Can you please give Mum a Hug from Me and tell her how much I Love Her and that when my time comes i will see you both Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
Love to my Cousins Jennifer, Tannya and Clinton you did your Dad Proud x
October 13, 2020 7:08 am
Thanks for all the happy memories Johnny. Always a constant in my life.
Not only were you good value but , you had the biggest heart.
I miss you already. Love you.
Gizzy. Xo
Anne & Kevin puls
October 12, 2020 6:08 pm
A true friend to my husbands eldest brother Gary John Puls and his six children. They played & partied hard but more generous & loving men would be hard to find. Reunited
Donna Bourke
October 12, 2020 11:20 am
Good friend and always the gentleman to me. Will miss you Johnny. Cheers,Donna and Kyle xxxx
Dione Nesbitt
October 7, 2020 8:39 pm
Much loved and adored Brother of Jul'e (Dec), Brother in Law of Leslie, Uncle to Tenneile and Matthew, Breanda, Dione and Jarrod and Great Uncle to Tyler, Lachlan and Ruby. Cherished and Fond Memories held dear. Rest Easy Uncle John give Mum a big hug for me, I know she would have been waiting with open arms for you. Love From Dione xoxox