A Friendly Family Serving You In Your Time Of Need
9 Cockburn Rd, Albany WA
9841 3090 (ALL HOURS) 0428 665 123 (24HRS)
Always Open
Date of Service: 04/06/2022
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Amity Rose Funerals
You are invited to leave a short message for the family in the tribute section below.
To view a recording of the funeral service please contact a member of the family.
June 6, 2022 7:05 pm
I will miss our chats and seeing you around my beautiful cousin, love you lots, Rest Peacefully
Theresa, Andy, Casey-Paul, Tina &Johnny XOXO
Manuwai Wakefield
June 6, 2022 5:24 am
My sista....I love you soo much and will miss you foreva.....I will miss our chats and photos of your fam bamz as it grew......its so hard to lose a sibling,well I struggle with that anyway......I'll miss you calling me BABY(even though I actually hated it)......so you and Bossy (Tap's Sis) decided to get on the same train to Heaven typical....I LOVE YOU ALWAYS HAVE,AND I ALWAYS WILL.....Your baby sista Manu......JAH RASTAFARI.....XOXO
Whetu Sciascia-Kennedy
June 5, 2022 8:54 pm
My beautiful cuzzy I will miss our random yarns and all your beautifulness but most of all I miss you. Will always hold you close my cuz I love you and know you are now with our whanau resting peacefully.
Love always the cousin that seemed to make you thirsty when ever u were in my presence hahahaha Loved our beers cuzzy random as u was a mean rager ❤️ Moi mai ra my meke cousin Roha I love you ❤️
Vicky Taylor
June 4, 2022 9:07 pm
Aroha I will miss seeing you at work in the mornings. We had our chats and figured our problems and always said we will catch up for a coffee. We never did get to do that! A lesson to be learnt babe, never take a beautiful woman for granted as you never know when she is going to leave! You will always be a heart beat in my life, the strongest woman I know who lived for her whanau and done the utmost for them all. In my eyes you are a legend with lessons to be learnt and never forgotten. Your heart was huge my darling. You lived up to your name! Your love for your whanau is one that went deep! You have my respect, my adoration and my love for who you are and what you have done my sweetheart. I'm so blessed to know you and connect with the trust you had in me. I will miss you dearly my sweet lady.
Aroha Nui Vicky Taylor xxxx
Diane Kernan
June 4, 2022 3:23 pm
Kia Ora Popgunns.....was so sad to hear of Aroha passing (Roha) she is now with her mum and dad (Aunty Polly & Uncle Pop) her big brother Big John (BJ) and her two sisters Oriana (Ori) and Aputa (Puta) My mum and Dad and now our Brother Coleman (Meathead)....I hope you guys are having a great party where ever you are. We all had a great life in Tombstone back in the day we were all so very close growing up and now have our own families but we still have the love for each other. My heart goes out to Jess Dylan Tyrell and her (Aroha) grand children . My cousins Reta Allan Pauline Kapai Susan Junior Kereopa and Manawai in no particular order we feel your pain - even thou we have lost only one sibling we feel your pain. Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia makinakina ki uta
Kia mataratara ki tai
E hi ake ana te atakura
He tio he tuka he hau hu
Tihei mauri ora
Cease the winds from the west - cease the winds from the south - let the breeze blow over the land - let the breeze blow over the ocean - let the red tipped dawn come with a sharpened air - A touch of frost - a promise of a glorious day.
Go into the arms of our Nanny Tutu and Papa Wally Arohanui the "Pumkin"
Aroha Wakefield
June 4, 2022 2:10 pm
My Darling Aroha. I have known you it seems for eternity. You have made me laugh and made me feel like I'm the best person in the world. You have always been there for me when things have been tough and given me all your loving wisdom. I'm so broken hearted to know you have passed,but we will meet again in the afterlife. You are always in my heart and I'm so blessed to have had you in my life for so long.
My heart and prayers go to your beautiful children, Jess, Dylan and Tyrell, and all your beautiful grandchildren. Your soul will live on in your gorgeous children and grandchildren. Much love to all the families. I love you Aroha. Love Noeleen Hornby-Watts & Families
Noeleen Hornby-Watts
June 4, 2022 2:09 pm
My Darling Aroha. I have known you it seems for eternity. You have made me laugh and made me feel like I'm the best person in the world. You have always been there for me when things have been tough and given me all your loving wisdom. I'm so broken hearted to know you have passed,but we will meet again in the afterlife. You are always in my heart and I'm so blessed to have had you in my life for so long.
My heart and prayers go to your beautiful children, Jess, Dylan and Tyrell, and all your beautiful grandchildren. Your soul will live on in your gorgeous children and grandchildren. Much love to all the families. I love you Aroha
Wikitoria Brown
June 4, 2022 11:43 am
Moe mai rā e te whanaunga Aroha ❤❤❤
Tira Ropitini
June 4, 2022 11:30 am
So glad I got to meet you and your awesome family Luvy. Your smiles love and laughter will always be Luvy. You will be sadly missed but never forgotten Luvy. R.I.P
Love and condolences to the family xoxo
Lee Waerea
June 4, 2022 11:21 am
Thinking of you’s all today whanau xx stay strong. Rest In Peace cuzzy Roha. Arohamai Pumpkin whanau xx
Horiana Ropiha
June 3, 2022 8:34 pm
My beautiful cousin and friend I'm so pleased I spent time with you at your home in auz a few years back now ,yes you were still the same smiling bubbly young women I knew back in your highschool days of coming to my flat in Waipukurau changing out of your uniform and into cool smart as clothes then off to town and around,with cousin Gina as well.Bright and so full of Life and Fun and Adventure.
You are with our Star People now your presence is always around the ones who you love and treasure.
Love and Many Blessings to you all Horiana Ropiha.Porangahau forever our home.
Karlene & Chas Standish
June 3, 2022 5:49 pm
So sad to hear of the passing of such a beautiful person. My heart goes out to her family at this sad time. love to you all,
Matty Apaapa
June 3, 2022 12:25 pm
Thanks for everything you have done for me over the years Aroha. From all the conversations we have had telling me how good of a shearer I was even though I was mud lol. All the random things you used to tell me and Jesse out of the blue that brought on fits of laughter that I still laugh and think about at random times. You were so humble and you always made people feel welcome, especially me welcoming me into your family with open arms and an open heart. I'm gonna miss you little lady, hopefully they have a judicater for you up there and look out who ever touches it and doesnt put it back in its right spot, even God won't be able to help them lol Love you lots little lady xoxo
Papa and Mikaere
Adelle Andrews
June 2, 2022 6:47 pm
Hey Aunty Roha,
Your zest defined you making you One of a Kind. Gorgeous soul! I shall miss you beautiful lady. Sending our condolences to the whanau.
Adelle, Wayne, Tahi, Nui & Huia
Leonie Marsden
June 2, 2022 6:05 pm
You were one of my closest friends Aroha beautiful inside and out! We had some of the maddest and funniest times ever. I never thought this day would come my beautiful friend and sister. May you fly high in the next world we will miss you forever always in our hearts Leonie, Connor, Jackson & Caleb
Aroha Wakefield
June 2, 2022 10:04 am
Arohamai Whanau,,so so sorry to hear of the passing of Roha,,fondest memories of you were the out of it ones,,which was quite a few.
You go Rest with the Best,,when you come across Puta have 1 for me with her.
Nga Mihi,Karena,Tudzs &Whanau.x
Aroha Wakefield
June 1, 2022 4:03 pm
I’m so sad I’ll never get to talk to you again or get your loving messages, I’m sad we won’t get to go on that roady this year at Xmas with your moko Elijah, you were so excited to bring him home with you.. I remember when you came to NZ when I was little, you had brought papa a car, you pulled me out of school for a week and took me cruising with you to Porangahau.. You only had one cassette tape in the car and that was Jimi Hendrix, I thought you were the coolest..You got my ears pierced and I’m pretty sure you never asked mum for approval haha.. Me and dad (your baby bro) always talk about when you were younger. He always has told me your wild free spirited stories and he always told them with smiles in his eyes and I know he will miss you so very much and so will mum.. but we will still always talk about you. We will never forget you. Someone as beautiful as you inside and out can’t be forgotten..You are truly one of a kind Aunty and I wish I could be there to say goodbye.. I’m so grateful to be named after you, I promise to carry your name with Love just like you did.. You are magic Aunty..
Love you forever… x
See you on the other side Aunty..
I’ll forever cherish your little notes and your beautiful messages to me..
June 1, 2022 3:05 pm
To our Beautiful Aunty Roha,
To me you always had a presence about you in the way you dressed, talked, laughed, worked practically everything you did you did it with passion of life, you have only gone from this world but your memories of you live in all of us, your friends, whanau i bet even people that you have just met you would have left a impression upon, but mostly your children and mokopuna. As this chapter comes to a close your book of life continues on in our hearts.
"The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you, shall never pass away."
Moi mai ra Aunty Roha
Emma xxo
Morgan McLeod
June 1, 2022 12:59 pm
Sending all my love to you all at this time. My heart truely breaks for yas.