A Friendly Family Serving You In Your Time Of Need
9 Cockburn Rd, Albany WA
9841 3090 (ALL HOURS) 0428 665 123 (24HRS)
Always Open
Date of Service: 29/12/2022
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Amity Rose Funerals
You are invited to leave a short message for the family in the tribute section below.
To view a recording of the service please contact a member of the family.
Deborah Berridge
January 11, 2023 8:38 pm
Thinking of Trevor with kind memories.
An amazing Gentleman.
Kindest regards,
Deborah and the late Peter Berridge
Nillu, Sunita , Jenny and Amelia Xxx
Shirley Pearce
January 1, 2023 6:00 pm
Deepest sympathy to Trevor’s family, but also to his brother Owen and sister Olwyn, from Shirley and Ken Pearce ( Nee Dowsett)
Daniel Felton
December 30, 2022 7:51 pm
The King
Farwell the King
He rode in a ute not a chariot
Loyal dog nearby
dignified distinguished
and kind
A man of the land
who new full well
season's of blessing and curse
A man who made friends
and not enemies
respected by all who knew him
Don't go much for pomp
and pageantry
But sir if we did
you would be the King of Young's Siding
Greatly loved
sadly missed
highly esteemed
Joanne Shapland (pears)
December 29, 2022 8:57 pm
My memory of Trevor being a close neighbour was he was always available to pick us up from band practice on a wed night and drive us home. It saved my parents from picking me up. Sending love and hugs to all the family. xxoo
Carole Rayner
December 29, 2022 11:41 am
What a beautiful service for Uncle Trevor. My heart goes out to you David, Kathleen, Glenys, Raymond & families. Your Dad was always very special to me & we’ve shared many a cuppa together & numerous phone calls over the years - just checking on each other to make sure everything was going well for each of us on our farms. He would always say that many wouldn’t understand how tough farming can be at times but also so very rewarding.
So pleased I was able to share Fathers Day with you all
Beautiful fond memories. Enjoy your time together & I will be in touch soon
Love Carole, Peter & Family
Lynette Dyson - uncle Wally's daughter
December 29, 2022 11:40 am
I last visited Trevor 8 years ago - on the farm. I'll always remember his strong, caring hug when he
learned of my husband's decline with dementia. That's the way I'll remember him - strong and loving.
A lovely service for a real country gentleman.
December 29, 2022 10:17 am
It was always a pleasure meeting with you Trevor. Lovely conversations.
My prayers and thoughts are with all family and friends today.
Lindsay Mercer
December 29, 2022 8:57 am
Trevor was a close friend to my father who supported him in his final days, and I send my deepest sympathies to Kathleen, David, Glenice and Raymond your father lays in rest now, but his memories and legacy will always live on.
Glenice Davidson
December 29, 2022 6:20 am
Mr Mac, you helped EmaLea and I in one of the most traumatic times if ours lives. Your love, support and endless kindness changed our lives forever! You are the closest thing to a Grandfather, Em has ever had. You have moved on, your out of pain, you changed lives, raised an amazing family and most definitely will never be forgotten. Much love to Kathleen, Gary, Judson,Luke, Mitchell and families.
Margaret Pendlebury
December 28, 2022 6:43 pm
My husband John, and our 4 children, Ken Cheryl, Mark and Neil, loved being on holiday “down at Uncle Trevor’s farm”in one of the cottages. Swimming in the inlet, raiding the mulberry tree, turning bales of hay the right way, so the snakes couldn’t bite you, was some of the fun. And my sister in law Nan, Trevor’s wife, Nan, was a great friend of mine and we played women’s basketball in the same church team. I was wing attack, and Nan was a goalie, or defence, and our lives were intertwined, because of our church activities, and my interest in Nan’s younger brother, John, who became my husband.
TREVOR was an amazing man who accomplished much in so many spheres of his long life. His enthusiasm was legendary, and his knowledge about farming and the beginnings of, “the early days of Denmark and Walpole”, incredible. He had a warm personality, and will be missed by his family, friends and acquaintances for many years to come. I give God thanks for the many years of love and friendship from my wonderful brother in law. Margaret, Ken, Mark and Neil Pendlebury.
Ray and karen wadley
December 25, 2022 7:40 am
What an amazing farmer Trevor was, and a devoted dad and granddad. Great memories of beautiful camping trips on the farm. Love and prayers to all the family.
December 23, 2022 10:33 pm
Uncle trevor, thanks for all the memories over the years, and the trips to the woolarma in wagin. I am glad that the kids and I got to see you 2 .weeks ago..rip uncle trevor. Condolences to the family.
Robyn and John Dall
December 23, 2022 10:15 pm
So many wonderful memories of my beautiful friend Glenys' dad. Sending our love to all the family. He will be sadly missed by all.
anne bateman
December 23, 2022 9:03 pm
Deepest sympathy to all the family. Mr Mac, one of natures gentlemen.
Gayle Rafferty
December 23, 2022 4:53 pm
Deepest sympathies to my cousins and their families and friends. Saddened by the loss of dear Uncle Trev. Lots of lovely memories of visiting with my father (David) and mostly digging potatoes, riding in the tractor and swimming at Two People Bay from a pontoon! Fondly remembered.
Ben & Erika Henderson
December 23, 2022 2:37 pm
Deepest sympathy to the McIntosh family on the passing of Trevor. One of life’s true gentlemen. Will miss his insightful conversations at the Saleyards.
David and Lyn Slade
December 22, 2022 9:03 pm
We always enjoyed Trevor's visits to the farm and our shared interest in all things farming and cattle. Our sincere sympathy to all Trevor's family and friends and to Joan.